Friday, September 29, 2023


Curriculum Design and Development


  1. Curriculum under formal system is a standards-based sequence of of courses and activities planned for learning experiences where students learn, apply, practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills. Curriculum is the central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning, what is important for self learning and career. Every student has access to rigorous academic experiences. 

  2. Curriculum components include content, experimentation based on 3T (tools, technique and technology),  activities, pedagogy, assignments, journal writing, report writing,  testing, examination, E&A, certification etc. 

  3. Curriculum activity shall  include curricular, co curricular, extracurricular, technical,  professional,  and social for holistic education.

  4. Curriculum design  is the creation of an overall course blueprint, mapping content to learning objectives, guidelines for course outline and building the course. Curriculum construction with curriculum transaction (activity) is curriculum development.  

  5. Understanding the curriculum transaction needs in terms of planning  clarity of thoughts, sound knowledge, work assessment with corrective measure , ability to meet target, team responsibility, clarity of communication, address the needs of different level of students in the class. 

  6. Curriculum transaction needs the freedom of time frame for course learning, testing, examination, E&A   horizontal mobility, interdisciplinary option, supplementary enrichment programmes, credit system and choice offering and others facilitated by curricular transaction.

  7. Curriculum shall be pragmatic, contemporary and futuristic with the potential to connect the knowledge dots of past,  present and future. It will have the potential to motivate students for  learning connections and vibrancy. It should integrate the development of knowledge, skill and attributes for holistic, multidisciplinary and specialized knowledge. It should also contribute suitably to MVS including PEOs.

  8. Curriculum shall prescribed courses with   purpose, scope, syllabus, credits,    content, content delivery, activity, testing & examination, E&A and continual improvement to maintain flexibility, agility and competitiveness. 

  9. Curriculum shall fulfill the requirements of regulatory compliance, accreditation edge, competitiveness, institutional rating/ranking  and stakeholders requirements.

  10. For effective transaction of curriculum with purpose, scope, create list of learning objectives and learning goal, and career on graduation.

  11. Curriculum shall be in alignment with Vision and Mission Statement and quality policy.  It  is mainly focused on producing globally competent engineers.  It needs Infrastructure, Resources including human resources, working and learning ambience,  expertise,  work culture  and learning platform. 

  12. Learning Platforms to support effective implementation of curriculum includes: Learning, Research, training, co curricular, extra curricular and professional activities. 

  13. Curriculum shall meet the requirements of  compliances,  delivery, and competitiveness. It needs to be benchmarked  with the educational outcomes at par with global standards. 

  14. Curriculum DAD, Delivery,  testing and  E&A shall be student centric,  process driven and potential to provide the graduate a rewarding career. It should support outcome based education.

  15. To make  curriculum outcome based needs to be aligned with program educational objectives to be framed as per the institute and department MVS   educational programme objectives, industry requirements, professional growth and development,  career oriented and competitiveness, etc. 

  16. PEOs  to be framed wrt previous one and needs  to be aligned with POs, PSOs  and MVS to develop the 12 graduate attributes meant for engineering graduates at UG, and similar attributes developed for  PG and Ph. D level.

  17. PEOs shall be developed  through a well defined curriculum with courses and activities leading to development of the graduate attributes. Programme curriculum  shall have well defined course syllabus and shall be in alignment with cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain with practicing and  life skill in the ratio of 50:30:20.

  18. Aligning Programme outcomes (POs) and Programme  Specific Outcomes (PSOs) with broader perspectives.

    • Connecting knowledge and experience dots of Past, present and future for proper alignment of curriculum,  course and syllabus. It can be done through   literature survey, knowledge exploration, case study, course advancement, inputs from various boards, experience, internship etc.

    • Training needs for skill development (learning by doing) viz. Academic, Communication, professional, emerging practices, technical, leadership, scientific temperament 

    • Life-long learning attitude by promoting  activity, survey, field visit, research, project, event organization and participation,  arranging events (viz. seminar, workshop , conference etc.) etc.

    • Learning mapping with GAs specific to the branch and holistic development viz. Academic programme,  research, Industry and profession specific

    • Developing GAs with respect to outcome attainment of POs and PSOs by converting marks/grade to levels and finding out attainment, 

  1. Courses under curriculum shall be developed to build  aptitude, attitude, Knowledge, skills, and competency. It should be addressed through building  addresses through  academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular and professional activities. Some of the courses in the curriculum shall be aligned with entrepreneurial skills particularly for the students interested in such a career. Courses should integrate the learning requirements of students, shop floor work experience required, corporate experience, expectation of industry from engineering graduates, faculty experience over the years to teach the subject, working knowledge of emerging technology etc.  Andragogy and heutagogy shall be also integrated to make learning an experiential one and also brings learning independence among students/learner.

  1. Each of the courses shall have 

    • Activity list, scheme, credits, conducts, testing/ examination, E&A. It has been found, testing and assessment in the system are  weak and hence needs focus to strengthen. 

    • Syllabus with list of contents, Prerequisite, co-requisite, type of course, semester in which required to be learned  with proper coding  and foundational courses  and listing of learning  references.

    • Attractive syllabus and easy to understand with proper articulation for teaching, learning and certification for learning based on proper evaluation.

    • Line of action for each activity based on PDCA cycle

    • Expected results based on targets, goals, benchmarking and quality objectives.

    • Guidelines for  achieving targets and goals,  consistency of results and global competitive edge.

  1. Curriculum Outcomes: 

    • Development of KSA  and ACM developed through the attainment of POs and PSOs

    • Professional and industry readiness through QP based 

    • Competitiveness edge wrt Knowledge and its application, thinking ability, DAD, potential to qualify Competitive exams viz. GATE/ GRE/ IELTS/ TOEFL/.  It needs testing for  logical, analytical, reasoning skills, data analysis, general knowledge etc. Knowledge and skills can be developed through clubs/ SORT competitions, T&P/ HOC and Social bodies for providing generic skills and mock activities through various platforms.

    • Readiness for global career through resource mobilization and optimizing, computer knowledge, Generic and  programme specific knowledge.  Students can be connected through alumni connected settled abroad or studying abroad. 

    • Industry working knowledge Professional bodies to be formed for specific knowledge and skills, SIG to be formed, Electives to be linked with SIG, Domain area topics to be linked with SIG, Journey of courses should be from major to specialization to core to foundation, Make electives popular among students with SIG, Problem statements to be given to solve, to develop products and services, SIG can conduct instruction hours and mindset can be developed, Well-equipped with emerging technologies

  2. Curriculum Impact;

    • Competitive curriculum with the potential to provide a competitive edge to the students for career and faculty members wrt conduct and contribution.

    • It should ensure almost 100% SR and GR where all students shall be eligible and ready for professional placement when they reach the final year of their course.

    • Develop the KSA and ACM as per industry, professional and entrepreneurial needs where the student shall be ready with  immediate positioning in the industry. 

    • Each student should develop multiple career options, at least two career options.

    • At least 50% of the students should have the career options through various competitive examinations. 

  3. Global Mobility and global career

    • Communication skills with fluency

    • Culture familiarization 

    • Foreign language learning

    • Awareness about premier universities and institutes at international level

    • Alumni connect programmes through Institute/Department/ T&P

  4. Global Practices

    • Outcome based education wrt quality of education,  graduate attributes to be developed during course duration, credit equivalence, global mobility (credit transfer), global career, etc.

    • Accreditation - national  NBA/ NAAC along with  global accreditation  viz ABET/ IET 

    • Credit system, course profiling, programme specific criteria published by national and international professional bodies specific to programmes. 

    • Comparative study of premiere global universities wrt credits, profile, activities, pedagogy,  andragogy (practices based education) , contact hours etc.

    • Implementation of national and international initiatives viz TV 2035, UN's 17 SDGs, 

    • Collaborative and Exchange programmes with premier institutes and universities for global diversity.

  5. Curriculum shall promote active Industry Institute Interaction to develop students who are industry ready and also the curriculum transaction which is industry aligned to make learning more practical oriented.

    • Industry visits, MOUs, Joint Programmes, guest lectures etc. 

    • Center of Excellence, laboratory of excellence, Industry sponsored and  certified labs

    • Training programmes,  internship, placement,  projects, mentor, conduct of courses (viz industry electives) etc.

    • Involving members from industry in various institution committees, inviting as  examiners, resource person in the event,   various meets, visit of industry person to institutions as committee members and many more such occasions.

  6. Curriculum continual Improvement through the feedback system  from stakeholders feedback, recent development, emerging technology, emerging practices etc. Also the feedback catering needs of society, economy and environment. feedback for curriculum effectiveness, continuity, consistency, and sustainability. Feedback for learning effectiveness. 

  7. To maintain the dynamic nature of syllabus and activity  changes on continual basis,  20% syllabus and activities should be  changed every year for class delivery of theoretical content,    experiments and tutorials through the set mechanism without overloading the system.

  8. To maintain competitive edge, position in market and sustainability for all curriculum and courses through effective review process and 



  1. Statutory, regulatory and affiliating bodies  compliance for curriculum, credit, course profile 

  2. Curriculum should have courses in the domain with the purpose to develop academics, skills  and research aptitude. 

  3. Courses, activities and  practices  under the curriculum shall be aligned, linked and channelized for smooth flow educational transaction and students development to make them result and goal with high productivity.

  4. To make it process driven, articulation is required to be developed with motivation, purpose, scope, and constraint are required to be developed. It will bring clarity, increasing acceptance and effective implementation of the process.

  5. Curriculum courses should have the main focus on professional core courses which includes foundation, core, application of knowledge specific to programmes. In addition they should also have ESD,  INTERNSHIP, and industrial/professional  development programmes under various education domains as per AICTE programme profile.

  6. Prerequisite, corequisite, pedagogy  andragogy, heutagogy   shall be integrated to simplify  and diversify scope of  learning,  bring learning effectiveness, make  testing and examination stress free which is multilevel. 

  7. Skill requirement wrt academic, communication, technical, technological, emerging technology and  educational practices.

  8. Research curriculum shall include, research, research methods and  methodology, research practices, research ethics, etc.

  9. Ratio of syllabus contents under curricular,  professional, co-curricular, extracurricular shall be in the ratio of 4:3:2:1 hrs. 600 hrs of semester for the ratio can be broken up as (240 hrs, 180 hrs, 120 hrs,  and 60 hrs. AICTE activity based credit shall be allocated @40hrs per credit.

  10. Theory, practical and tutorial load shall be in the ratio of 3:2:1 per subject with load neutrality where faculty load calculated  as per SFR and FCR shall match the credit based hours emerging from courses offered to the students during semester. It should also fulfill the requirements of 30 hrs of conduct for students and justify forty hours of weekly engagement  for faculty.

  11. Flexibility for credits, courses, activities and curriculum enrichments. Also the horizontal and vertical mobility in the programmes.

  12. Alignment with NEP 2020, UN's  17 SDG, India Technology Vision,TV2035, NBA Programme outcomes, NAAC requirements  etc.   

  13. Curriculum shall be well aligned with  accreditation, Rating, and Ranking educational points for positioning at national and international levels and curriculum claim as the best curriculum.

  14. Curriculum shall focus on Stakeholders requirements, statutory body inputs,  rewarding career,  competitiveness,  industrial and professional readiness, readiness for competitive examination and industrial/professional certification etc.

  15. Specification and checklist need to be prepared  based on interaction, survey  feedback, study and research needs to be developed to ensure scientific and technical approaches are followed with comparative standards at national and international levels for a validation process for credit, content, pedagogy, 3T, learning productivity, etc.

  16. Newness of the curriculum shall be maintained with a global competitive edge which will make the curriculum pragmatic, contemporary and futuristic. 

  17. Curriculum  transaction shall be prepared for hybrid mode where around 40% of the total  credits students should earn through online platforms. For online subjects, mentorship by faculty will be provided.  Online credit facility  shall be for the candidates where he or she wish to improve academic credential, or institute that does not have the expertise  or emerging technology/ practice oriented course.

  18. Curriculum growth  for continual improvement shall be assured through online courses to elective to core to foundation to fundamental courses over the year. 

Learning Platform Platform: 

  1. Curricular: theory, practical, tutorial, case study, design of experiment,  mini project, capstone project, curriculum final year projects. Learning shall be for knowledge acquisition for intelligence, application, and wisdom development  needed for academic skills and leadership. 

  2. Co-curricular: Internship, Holistic Student Development (HSD), Seminars and workshops, conferences, online certification, value added courses, online courses, etc. This is mainly for skill, competency and professional proficiency development.

  3. Extracurricular: AICTE 100 activity points, social bodies activities with bonus credit points, non credit activity under TSDW,  TNP personality grooming mock programme,  industry visit, social networking, digital credential creation etc.

  4. Professional: Student's Special Investigation Group(SIG), technical & professional clubs, professional body activity

  5. Social: NSS, NCC, SORT club, Education Extension, 

Testing,  Examination,  Evaluation and Assessment: 

Individual Level: theory, practical and tutorial based testing through diagnostic, formative & summative assessment, continuous evaluation and semester end examination (SEE) etc.  

Group level: Project, content creation,  technical writing, research writing, report writing, group presentation, etc.

Team level: HSD, ESD, Programme/Event organization, hackathon, student chapters based activity, SIG based activities, etc.

Class level: Feedback, survey, Event based Competition

Performance recognition: It should be based on activities  at department, institute, local, state, national and international level organization, participation,  performance, and visibility.

Curriculum Upgradations and Enrichment: 

  • Model curriculum released time-to-time by regulatory body at national level.

  • Prerequisite, Co-requisite, foundation,  and memory strengthening trick etc.

  • Yearly to address the curriculum gap, curriculum augmentation for competitive advantages, support to get certification for the courses from MOOCs platform, 

  • Ministry, Statutory, Regulatory and affiliating  guidelines and recommendation for curriculum and courses promulgated through notification mostly on website.

  • 10-20%  changes  of syllabus, experiments, projects  and activity  every to maintain the currency and make it contemporary.

  • Competitive examination syllabus changes to increase competitiveness. 

  • Inputs from  stakeholders and statutory institute level committee.

  • Comparative study  with premier 

Process and systems: 

Motivation, guiding forces, Purpose,  Scope, objective, expected outcomes, targets and goals, 

Input, feedback, compliances, competitive edge and brand building.

DAD- fulfilling professional needs specific to programmes, dynamic, flexibility, student's mobility, adaptability, and agility

Moderation, normalization and standardization 

Alignment with MVS, PEOs, career and stakeholders requirements

Procedure, monitoring, control, management, administration and governance.

Internal and external data, study and research as a part of KIM for sustainable growth and development, occupying global competitive edge and maintaining the competitive edge.

System transparency, accountability, integrity, diversity, inclusiveness, equity, flexibility, adaptability,  agility, and sustainability.

Problems in effective Implementation: 

  1. Lack of effective resource  book, lab manual, question bank, sample question paper, augmentation of syllabus and its conduct with competitive and research contents.

  2. Lack of commitment, dedication and loyalty increasing work monitoring time. We should spend more on improvement,  innovation and value creation. Therefore, work is leading to unhealthy practices, non productivity, escaping  from work, not standing  with the institute at crisis time or the institute is in a war-like situation.

  3. Everybody talks about complying with eligibility by adopting shortcuts, promotion, benefits, post and self gratification rather than work, work improvement, innovation and  knowledge management. Therefore, recruitment shall focus not only on eligibility but also suitability, versatility and usability.

  4. No zeal to walk an extra mile for attaining strategic position and competitive edge.

  5. Do Not want any control and department's are also least bothered. Departments fail to motivate and create drives in individuals. Work culture is just to do the routine work with no  thoughts and no clarity.

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Curriculum Design and Development PROFILING: Curriculum under formal system is a standards-based sequence of of ...